M Series
Software Databox | |
Software Name: | M Series |
Description: | A collection of the following geotechnical programs:
(1) MSheet addresses the design of sheet walls including distortions and stability for various excavation phases. The critical length is also determined. (2) MFoundation will optimise the dimensions of foundations (with piles, on plates) for a variety of loadings. (3) MGeoBase stores the results of soil tests to use the soil parameters and geometric soil layers for further use in MStab, MSettle, MDrill and MSeep. (4) MStab calculates critical shear surfaces within the soil, incorporating calculated settlements. (5) MSettle determines the settlements through creep and soil consolidation following Koppejan or advanced isotaches. Vertical drainage can be modelled. Subsoil water pressure is checked. (6) MDrill calculates the minimal and maximum compression in horizontal pipes, in drilling liquid and drilling equipment. (7) MSeep determines the phreatic surface and the soil pressure by soil groundwater movement. More modules for groundwater calculation (MWell) and pile foundation design (MPile). |
Category: | Geotechnical |
License Type: | Commercial |
Price: | na |
Keywords: | foundation; geotechnical; pile; settlement; sheeting |
Data formats: | |
Design code: | |
Languages: | English |
URL: | http://www.scia-online.com |
Creator: | Nemetschek Scia |
Distributor: | Nemetschek Scia |
(This databox is based on M Series entry at BridgeArt.net software database.) |